Thank you for playing in the AZPL!
Monday Flagstaff Traveling

The visiting team is responsible for printing 2 scoresheets off the website and taking them to their respective match.  You can find the scoresheets by clicking on the match you'd like on the schedule.  After the match each team should get your packet to your league rep or mail their scoresheet via text to Mike @480-217-2358

You can also email me your scoresheets directly at

Reynalda Cody is your Flagstaff league operator!


Join us every Monday night at 7:30pm!

Qualify to play in the

Fall State Championships

on January 2, 3, 4 & 5 at 

Dozer's Grill, 7012 E Hampton Rd, Mesa  

1st Place $4,000!!!  

The top 3 teams automatically qualify for the Championships!  Others may be eligible via bumping in or the wild card tournament!  Entry into the Championships is $150 per team.  No entry required for the wild card.

The Fall season begins September 9th!

Team Standings

Team Name MW ML MW % Points GW GL GW % PA PR MA Shoot % OMA
No Name 2 0 1.000 153 13 5 0.722 116 17.15 76.50 85.00 58.00
Scratch This 2 0 1.000 149 12 6 0.667 123 14.54 74.50 82.78 61.50
The Remnants 1 1 0.500 145 11 7 0.611 111 14.37 72.50 80.56 55.50
Mountainaire 1 1 0.500 141 9 9 0.500 138 9.20 70.50 78.33 69.00
Skysbright Shooters 0 2 0.000 96 3 15 0.167 170 1.69 48.00 53.33 85.00
Your Mom 0 1 0.000 63 3 6 0.333 75 2.52 63.00 70.00 75.00
8-Ball Therapy 0 1 0.000 60 3 6 0.333 74 2.43 60.00 66.67 74.00

Teams are ranked according to the Match Winning percentage with the tie breakers
being Points Scored, Game Wins, Opponents Point Totals, Power Ranking (in that order).

MW is Match Win
ML is Match Loss
MW% is your overall winning percentage
Points are points scored
GW is individual games won out of 9
GL is individual games lost out of the 9 games
GW% is based on those 9 games
PA is your total points allowed
PR is your rating based on points scored, points allowed, matches and game wins
MA is your average points scored out of 90
Shoot% is the number of possible points scored
OMA is your opponents average points scored

Week 2 Matches (2024-09-16 to 2024-09-22)

Away Team   @   Home Team
  @   No Name
The Remnants
  @   Skysbright Shooters
Scratch This
  @   8-Ball Therapy

Division Leaders

Men's   Women's
PR 0.899 Gary Wimmer
  PR 0.818 Reynalda Cody
Points 55 Gary Wimmer
  Points 53 Reynalda Cody
Win 5 Gary Wimmer
  Win 5 Reynalda Cody
30s 1 Eric McKay
Gary Wimmer
Jamie Stafford
Layne 'Lumpy' Johnson
Nate Korey
Tom Snipes
  30s 1 Reynalda Cody
8 Ball Break 0     8 Ball Break 0  
10-0s 0     10-0s 0  
BR 0     BR 0  
MA 30.00 Layne 'Lumpy' Johnson
  MA 26.50 Reynalda Cody
MIP 7.24 Layne 'Lumpy' Johnson
  MIP 5.03 Staci Rodarmel


  09-09 09-16 09-23 09-30 10-07 10-14 10-21 10-28 11-04 11-11 11-18 11-25 12-02 12-09 12-16 12-23 12-30
Team # Team Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
0801 Mountainaire 0804h 0802a 0803h
0802 No Name 0803a 0801h Bye
0803 The Remnants 0802h 0804a 0801a
0804 Skysbright Shooters 0801a 0803h 0806a
0805 8-Ball Therapy Bye 0806h 0807a
0806 Scratch This 0807h 0805a 0804h Tour
0807 Your Mom 0806a Bye 0805h Tour

Teams and Bars

Team Name Bar Name Address City Cross Streets Phone
Mountainaire Mountainaire Tavern 110 Mountainaire Rd Flagstaff 928-525-1137
No Name Monte Vista Cocktail Lounge 100 N San Francisco St Flagstaff 928-774-2403
Scratch This Bun Huggers 901 S Milton Rd #A Flagstaff 928-779-3743
Skysbright Shooters Mountainaire Tavern 110 Mountainaire Rd Flagstaff 928-525-1137
The Remnants Monte Vista Cocktail Lounge 100 N San Francisco St Flagstaff 928-774-2403
Your Mom Bun Huggers 901 S Milton Rd #A Flagstaff 928-779-3743

Player Standings

TMA is your True Match Average, it is based on your current and past performance in league and tournament play
PR is based on your performance computing points scored, points allowed, matches and wins
Points are your total points scored
PA is the number of points you have allowed your opponents to score
Scoring % is the percentage of points you scored compared to the total possible (out of 30)
P/PA This compares your points scored to points allowed
MA is based on those 9 games
W is your win total
L is your loss total
Win % % based on your current win/loss record
30s is the number of 30 point games you have
8 Ball Break is the number of 8-ball breaks you have
10-0s is the number of 10-0 games you have
BR is the number of break & runs you have
Winning Streak is your current winning streak
Current MA is your scoring average out of 30 points for the current session
AT MA is your career scoring average based on 30 points possible
MIP compares this sessions match average to your career match average
Matches is the number of matches played

Player Name TMA Team Name PR Points PA Scoring
P/PA W L Win
30s 8 Ball
10-0 BR Win
Debra Macdonald 16 Skysbright Shooters 0.070 17 27 0.567 -10 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 17.00 18.41 -1.41 1
Lisa Aird 17 Skysbright Shooters 0.000 21 60 0.350 -39 0 6 0.000 0 0 0 0 0 10.50 16.51 -6.01 2
Andrew Gardener 19 Skysbright Shooters 0.077 39 56 0.650 -17 1 5 0.167 0 0 0 0 0 19.50 17.59 1.91 2
Staci Rodarmel 20 Scratch This 0.356 48 45 0.800 3 3 3 0.500 0 0 0 0 1 24.00 18.97 5.03 2
Tato Herring 21 Your Mom 0.098 23 26 0.767 -3 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 23.00 19.85 3.15 1
Chris Hoyme 21 8-Ball Therapy 0.000 14 30 0.467 -16 0 3 0.000 0 0 0 0 0 14.00 20.69 -6.69 1
Chris Hoyme 21 Mountainaire 0.095 23 27 0.767 -4 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 23.00 20.69 2.31 1
Martina Morrill 22 Your Mom 0.292 25 19 0.833 6 2 1 0.667 0 0 0 0 2 25.00 20.80 4.2 1
Joe Sanchez 22 8-Ball Therapy 0.094 22 26 0.733 -4 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 22.00 21.78 0.22 1
Guy Rogers 22 Your Mom 0.000 15 30 0.500 -15 0 3 0.000 0 0 0 0 0 15.00 15.00 0 1
Reynalda Cody 23 Scratch This 0.818 53 36 0.883 17 5 1 0.833 1 0 0 0 2 26.50 22.43 4.07 2
Mark Higgins 23 The Remnants 0.333 42 42 0.700 0 3 3 0.500 0 0 0 0 1 21.00 23.92 -2.92 2
David Hetzler 23 Mountainaire 0.080 18 25 0.600 -7 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 18.00 23.25 -5.25 1
Calvin Borden 24 Scratch This 0.508 48 42 0.800 6 4 2 0.667 0 0 0 0 1 24.00 23.72 0.28 2
Eric McKay 25 No Name 0.573 49 38 0.817 11 4 2 0.667 1 0 0 0 3 24.50 23.96 0.54 2
Layne 'Lumpy' Johnson 25 Skysbright Shooters 0.078 19 27 0.633 -8 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 4 19.00 22.76 -3.76 1
Tom Snipes 25 Mountainaire 0.340 48 47 0.800 1 3 3 0.500 1 0 0 0 0 24.00 25.04 -1.04 2
Layne 'Lumpy' Johnson 25 The Remnants 0.769 30 13 1.000 17 3 0 1.000 1 0 0 0 4 30.00 22.76 7.24 1
Jamie Stafford 25 Mountainaire 0.593 52 39 0.867 13 4 2 0.667 1 0 0 0 1 26.00 24.14 1.86 2
Jay Cote 25 8-Ball Therapy 0.296 24 18 0.800 6 2 1 0.667 0 0 0 0 0 24.00 24.00 0 1
Johnny Barrios 27 The Remnants 0.101 20 22 0.667 -2 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 20.00 25.62 -5.62 1
Gary Wimmer 28 No Name 0.899 55 34 0.917 21 5 1 0.833 1 0 0 0 3 27.50 26.37 1.13 2
Kip Anderson 29 No Name 0.495 49 44 0.817 5 4 2 0.667 0 0 0 0 0 24.50 25.40 -0.9 2
Nate Korey 30 The Remnants 0.693 53 34 0.883 19 4 2 0.667 1 0 0 0 4 26.50 26.08 0.42 2
Arizona Pool Leagues © 2008 - 2024
Site Created by Davin Lavikka
Site Updated and maintained by
Chuck Young